Sunday School | 10:00am
Junior High Sunday School
Being a pre-teen is a tough time for most young people. This class takes the time to show these young people how to live like Christians and to build their faith upon the Truth of God’s Word. This class is designed for 6th-8th graders.
High School Sunday School
This class is a great time for teenagers to hear about what God’s Word says regarding their promising futures! Teachers invest their hearts into showing our young people the joy that comes from serving Jesus.
Teen Church | Sunday 11:00am
The Jr. High and High School youth is brought together for Teen church in the Fellowship Hall. Bible based preachers deliver a new challenge each week straight from the Bible so that your teen will learn what God expects from them and how exciting the Christian life can be!
Bible Study | Wednesday 7:00pm
Each Wednesday night Bible service is designed to teach a different Bible lesson which will help your teen to grow as a Christian. They will enjoy good singing and fellowship while they learn more about God’s Word.
Teen Soul Winning | Wednesday 4:00pm
The teens meet on Wednesday evenings during the school year for our church teens to go out and canvas neighborhoods with adults to invite others to church and lead others to Christ.
Jubilee Ensemble | Sunday 5:00pm
This is an intermediate choir group designed to prepare your teen to enter the adult choir. Your teen will learn the fundamentals of reading music and timing. Each teen is assigned to harmonies. This choir sings with Grace Notes and on its own. Shekel shop is a great motivator!
Teen Activities
Mission Trips
Our teens have traveled the world to be a help to our missionaries. Every other year our teens have the opportunity to raise funds to be able to go on the bi-annual missions trip. These mission trips are very important as they will open your teen’s eyes to see the need of the gospel around the world.
Youth Group Activities
Check the church events calendar for exciting youth activities each month.